
Posts Tagged ‘Humor’

George Carlin’s Indirect Advice to Writers

In Humor, Psychology of Success, Psychology Today, Writing on June 22, 2009 at 2:28 pm


By Bakari Akil II, Ph.D.

“That’s the job that I give myself. So, how can I talk about something eminently familiar to them, on my terms, in a new way, that engages their imagination?” ——–George Carlin, June 13, 2008

Many of you who visit this blog will undoubtedly be writers. As any writer knows there’s a lot that goes into attracting an audience. Well, here’s a very useful George Carlin interview where he discussed his writing process and how he developed humor. The interview was conducted by Jay Dixit of Psychology Today.

The article is long but it is loaded with insight!

Need some more ideas on success. Explore Dr. Akil’s ‘life changing’ new book SUPER YOU! 101 Ways to Maximize your Potential on Amazon or Lulu. You can also download a free chapter on your Kindle or iPhone at Amazon.